
Our Achievements in 2023

AED 0 Million spent on Spreading Knowledge and Education initiatives in 2023
0 Million beneficiaries of Spreading Education and Knowledge initiatives in 2023
0 Million beneficiaries of Dubai Cares programmes and initiatives by the end of 2023
0 Million participants in the seventh edition of the Arab Reading Challenge
0 Million students registered on the Madrasa e-Learning Platform by the end of 2023

Spreading Education and Knowledge

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI) pays special focus to Spreading Education and Knowledge that serve as the basis of building nations through investing in its main resource: the human capital. To achieve its vision, the Foundation’s numerous initiatives, projects and campaigns are dedicated to supporting educational systems in developing countries and facilitating necessary resources to create innovative and high-quality school environments.


Entities and initiatives devoted to Spreading Education and Knowledge essentially provide basic education to ensure a better future for young generations. As part of its efforts to fight illiteracy, MBRGI seeks to develop educational cadres and build facilities equipped with the latest technologies, as well as implement vocational education programmes that empower students in disadvantaged societies to improve their lives and lift their families out of poverty. Through this pillar, the MBRGI develops knowledge-oriented programmes and projects, aiming to foster a culture of knowledge among youth in the Arab world, and equip and build a well-informed generation capable of responding to challenges in their societies effectively.

Entities dedicated to Spreading Education and Knowledge